Academic Pedagogy is an art of teaching which includes the creativity, responsiveness and intuitive skills of the teacher. Learning in a student occurs most effectively when teachers and students work together for a common goal, and are therefore motivated to assist one another in the entire teaching and learning process. It is very important to provide a child with proper education so that he/she could hone all their skills properly. The mental, emotional and social growth of a child is determined by his educational experiences and relationships received and built.
Important aspects of our pedagogy are
- Our pedagogy focuses on developing academic competence along with the right attitudes and values.
- It is a joint productive activity between the faculty and the students to foster personal and cooperative study, creativity and reflection to promote lifelong learning and action in service to the society
- In all we do, each class that we design, every programme that we create and implement in collaboration with our students, we ensure certain important values are learnt and the right attitudes are imbibed not through preaching or the chalk talk method but through hands on activities that appeal to the children.
- Our pedagogy is learner centric and learning centric. Teachers are flexible and carefully adapt their approaches based on the need of the topic to be taught and the environment. They tailor their instructions as per students’ needs and make it contextually relevant.